Everything Looks Perfect From Far Away (Part 2)
About Me
- Name: muchison
- Location: Ontario, Canada
This is my 2nd time typing this profile. That says it all. I am a girl who struggles with everything, computers included. I tend to persevier,in my own little way tho. I am weird by definition. I like that. I like being called that, but I don't like knowing it, or thinking about it. I find it makes me try to be myself, and that is not fun. I am 24 which is a hard thing for me to admit, as it scares the crap out of me. I tell peole this as a confession, they take it as an insecurrity. I am at a transition period. I thought last year was a transition, but I must have gotten the definition wrong. Last year I was still very secure in everything I did. I was a student, lived at home, had a fun summer job and no real concerns, except keeing my friends happy and getting good marks. This year is much different. It is scarry, and I often feel as if my life is being taken from me, when in reality I'm sure it's setting things up so I can take steps forward. Right now I prefer baby steps. Even these scare me. I am scared of the phone *especially* with people who I know (there are only 2 exceptions to this rule) other than that Im an "in person" kinda girl. Well in person or msn.
Previous Posts
- This was a picture I took at the Mod Club.. Probab...
- Doing a dance with a lama at the Royal Winter Fair...
- Tony and I. I have worked with him for over 5 yea...
- End of the year Rattle Snake kitchen party... I go...
- Most of the halloween crew.. Pretty good costumes ...
- Went out for Halloween to various bars in Toronto....
- Gettin ready for our night out in London.. had to ...
- Took a trip to London (with country music playin t...
- Group shot taken before P and Dave's departure.. H...
- Saying good-bye to Davey boy via smacking him with...
Thursday, December 29, 2005
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