Saturday, May 20, 2006

Happy Dances and 100 Japanese

*HAPPY DANCE* I got my first "comment". Woo hoo. I write this simply to get my "scrambled egg" type thoughts out of my head in order to prevent any form of female insanity from arising. A truly selfish act. Even more so selfish is the fact that I would be truly angry (ok more so embarassed, but displayed in forms of anger) if any of my personal friends read this. On the other hand, a comment from a person who I know only by their blogger screen name, and message that they left behind, means the world. Seeing the "1 comment" marker could be one of the best discoveries I made all week. I wrote a post (that was deleted by myself) about a year ago. It spoke of how sometimes, the only way to be 100% unsensored is to write a message that you know no one else will read. Kind of like a message in a bottle, sent off into a vast body of water. Most likely no one will ever read the message, thus providing one with the unique chance to expell their most secret, silly and or supressed thoughts without fear of judgement. If by chance this message is found and read by some random person, the information exchanged between the two people is of the purest and most unsensored nature possible. A state of honnesty and candor, that only annoymity can provide. And so a person who knows you only through one piece of paper, or grouping of words, sees you in a way that even your closest of friends has never seen you. This thought is why I enjoyed the movie "Lost in Translation" so much , and proceeded to purchase the movie 3 times, because people kept "borrowing" it and not returning it.

Tonight. Scratch that. Today was an interesting day all together. It was my official "last day" at work. If you follow this type of thinking, then tomorrow will be my official "first day" at my new/old job. I'm 100% behind my decision to go back to my old job (thus making it "new" again) but Im also torn on how I feel about leaving my old job. *figgure out all of that if you can* Truthfully the reason for this sudden action, was created in one night. A night in which the decision to conjure up a plan so drastic, that personal development, and change were enevitable. The idea that arose and soon developed was to take a step back (towards my old job) in order to ensure steps forward towards my future job, as well as the realization that ties to the old A had to be cut if I ever wanted to have a real and full relationship wtih somone else. It's easy to remember the good stuff ( and it should be rembered) but not clung to likea child holds on to their favorite blanket. This farmilliarness offers a security that we all strive for, its safe, but its also restrictive. Sometimes, you have to be vulnerable and raw in order to comepletely move on. And you can't be raw while clinging to a security blanket by the name of old A. And so he was deleted. Sent off into space, to be remembered, but not known. I have yet to regret this decision.

In other news, Lauren and I went out for "all you can eat sushi". Yes "all you can eat". The place acutally reminded me of the seafood place from the Simpsons where Homer almost dies from the blowfish. It had the light up sign in the front, and a huge sign in the window that read "100 Japanese" nothing more and nothing less. The sushi was what can be expected for $20.00 all you can eat sushi (ie. not great) but the experience was fun, as it was a relaxed atmosphere, and al you could do was laugh at the enourmous amouts of sushi being constantly delivered to the table. There was one rule for this resteraunt though, and it was a significant rule: any left over pieces of sushi were 50 cents each. By the end of the meal Luren and I had to devise plans on how to dispose of the excessive amouts of extra sushi left over. Plans were made to stack sushi in the tea pot as so inspired by early Mr.Bean clips. We did not act on this plan, fear not. We did, however, mash up pieces of sushi to make it look like they had been tried, and discarded. We also discovered that if left in soya sauce, the sushi will fall appart quite nicely and disperse itself amoungst the soya sauce. Definetly a useful timbit of information if one ever finds themselves in a similar sitaution in which sushi needs to be disposed of quickly. Bringing large purses to the resteraunt may also have been a benificial method of disposing of said sushi, however we were not smart enough to have done this. I also dont own a purse, so that plan would have been impeeded prior to even being put to action. Needless to say it was a fun night.


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