Thursday, March 29, 2007


Lines. People make them every day. I make them more consistantly and freequently then most. Some lines I make purley to make crossing them all the more exciting. Other lines, the most important ones, are made with the idea that they will prevent me from getting hurt, and more importantly from having to deal with the pool of emotions and thoughts that accompany regret. The thing is, by making these lines, and following these rules, life becomes relitivly safe. This is not to say that there isnt value in safety ( because there obviously is). After 25 years of good, well thought out decisions, and respecting all the lines I set up and the different specifications and requirements that accompanied them, I decided it was time. Time to not only cross a line (that was not set up for comming close to, let alone crossing). I crossed this line, at a sprint with my eyes wide open, arms flailing, knowing that it could possibly be the worst decision I had made in quite some time. The results? Yup it was a bad decision. It was reckless. It ended up as I had predicted: poorly. I didn't do it for the consquences of the act. I did it, to feel the consequences, to experience what I have been "missing out on" for 25 years. I did it to test myself, and to see if all this effort I have put into lines has been worthwhile. My conclusion: These lines are useful. These lines are part of who I am, and they're there for a reason. I like my lines, and in general I respect them. I put a lot of thought into my lines, and I like being the neardy cautious one. I also think that it's important to crash through them on occation. Makes you appriciate everything all the more, and brings a bit of change to something that seems constant. The pic: is me driving my car thru a huge puddle on a sketchy mountain road. Its a line I set up with the purpose to cross, and which lead to me clapping my hads like a 5 year old, filled with excitment and "lets do it again" feelings.


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