Sunday, November 27, 2005

Square roots, long stares and disgruntaled Shania fans....

I have a lot on my mind these days... and I could quite easily do a ton of posts talking about questions that I am trying to answer, or *think* I have answered or will probably never quite answer... But... I also think its important to (as in Garden State) talk about the good stuff.. So for this post its just a mini memory of a night just like any other... These nights have become a rarity in my busy working life.. and I treasure them, because they remind me that I am not a robot, and that there are things in me, that even when silenced are still there, trying ever so desperatly to be heard.. even if it is only for a short while, or by some random, silly action that others would be embarasesed by, or write off as stupidity.. not me.. I love these times.. I live for them..
First story of the day.. yes there are multiple stories (well 2 , but I like the word multiple.. its fun to say, and in this case type) ..... Ok, so I start work at 0800 HOURS which means that Im acutally at work for 0745 HOURS.. so I arrive at work in my normal early morning daze and "just get to work on time" state of mind... the entire parkinglot is blanketed in snow. There are two other vehicles in the parkinglot, both parcked the same direction. Like always I align the back of my truck with their trunks, lock my truck and go hapily (ok more like sleepily) on my way. *Seems logical enough right?* Work starts,, and I get a call from an LPO (loss prevention officer) around 1000 HOURS so basically 2 whole long hours later...asking me to meet him at the Shoppes Drugmart enterance... No big deal, I head off and am greeted by the LPO guy who says "get a load of this now.. check out this parking job.. the guy must have been pissed because his parking spot got taken" and there sits my truck in the MIDDLE of the driving isle, blocking all traffic driving though that area of the parking lot... My jaw must have hit the floor becasue I got a rather confused look from the LPO guy... until of course I explained thatthe car that he wanted me to call the police regarding to get towed.. was actually my own... and so out I went in full security attire and solved a two hour parking problem in about two minutes... a dumb but classic me moment... Wish I had thaken pictures though...
I also went out with 3 girlfriends of mine, who have over the past year become my core group of friends here at home... They are fancy, I am not.. But for whatever reason, it still fits.. I consider msyelf adaptable... Adaptable at least to the point where I can carry a converstation, or enjoy an evening regardless of where I am or what I'm talking about.. THe conditon... I have to like the perosn.. I do have a tendancy to get sucked in, however. I can mould myself to the point where I almost forget where I started.. These mmoments are usually characterized by huge alarm bells going off in my head, and are followed by long periods of me "staying in" and re-booting. I *sometimes* feel like I am getting to that point with this group, but I never quite get there... and nights like last night remind me why they are definitly a valuable group... Valuable sounds like Imeasure them by their worth , which I do not.. I just mean simply that I like them. Anyways I will post a couple pictures from our dinner out.. Four girls who had a fabulous 0900 dinner and conversed about the meaning of the term "square rooting" *not to be confused with mathamatical square roots, and the sad demise of yet another Hollywood marriage (jessica simpson and Nick), created Marry Kate's glasses on our table through the use of coasters, straws and water glasses, and asside by a heated debate in regards to a dissagrement regarding the "faboulousness" of Shania Twain came out having a pretty fun and "lite" night.. Truthfully, I enjoy the occational "empty" conversation, where the only product is laughing and silly issues are the only topics for debate... Sure if my life were plagued with only these concersations I would probably feel empty and like I was lacking something, but like everything else you need a balance.... Sometimes making up new phrases (which aare quickly adapted by the table of successful 30 sometin year olds sitting beside you) and talking about issues that are more likely to be found in some $3.00 tabloid than in an intellecutal magaizine or a newspaper are necesary.. they give you the security to eventually talk and think about the bigger issues.. BALANCE BALANCE BALANCE.. that's what its all about.. or so I am learning...


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