Monday, November 19, 2007

faulty forgiveness

Today was long and boaring. When I say boaring, I mean the mind numingly, slam your head against a wall, stupid insignificant actions become significiant kind of boardom. I do believe it (the boardom) was self inflicted. I have allowed (more specifically held) myself at a stagnant point (subconciously) to force an issue to be addressed. What do you do when you get along with everyone, but no one seems to get along? I live my life in the grey. I live my life in a world where to forgive may not be to forget, but it is positively a potential. Why then, can those I have chosen to forgive not do the same to others? Is a world of black and white really that great? Does this world without shade really offer such benifits, that it's worthwhile to refrain exploring any other palate? Granted self preservation is a priority, and past behaviour a predictor of future actions. BUT don't people pride themselves, and often pat themselves on the back for their ability to learn (and therefore change) from experience. It's this action (with others of course) that sets us appart. Isn't it also somewhat arrogant to refrain from allowing appologies? BECAUSE what happens when you are the one offering the appology... What then? You'd better hope that their principles regarding such remorse are not the same as your own. AND let's face it, at some point in time (most likely many times) you are going to commit some act that requires compassion...

(SO to the person who sparked this thought .. but who will never see this... I ask you, for gosh darn sake.. FORGIVE already. I'm not asking you to forget, just get over your own insecurities, your own hang ups and look into a world with multiple shades of grey.... OTHERWISE, I may just have to re-evaluate my own stance in regards to my decision to offer you clemency. IT would stink to have your freindship dissapear. Forgiveness, you see made this friendship continue to be a possibility.)

argh. silly girls.


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