Sunday, August 31, 2008

It's been a while. Ok, it's really been more than a while. Possibly a year. While it's been a year since I have posted, there have been times that I have felt the need to write. I just haven't. I lost myself this year. Sometimes losing yourself is a great thing. To immerse yourself in something fully to the point that you see it for all its worth is an amazing experience. HOWEVER there are limits, and lines to engulfing yourself completely in something. The consequence:blindness, the inability to think or act clearly. I have been in that state for quite some time. I have been waiting for something that I know deep down will never come. I have lost piece by piece parts of myself. The cost of waiting. A cost that in small amounts seems like a bargin. As a whole, however, the price is not worth the benefit. ITs high time to once again reassess, find new hobbies, become myself again. BE PRODUCTIVE.


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