Sunday, March 05, 2006

Are you achin'? for some bacon???

Wow. So I havent been on here in ages. I have decided that it is absolutly necessary to rid myself of the habit of using "u" to type "you". It's lazy and immature and just generally annoying. I came to this conclusion while reading an article in the news paper (yes I read it just about every day) about today's youth. This is a habit that has evolved over the years, and thus, I do not envision it as being the easiest habit to rid myself of. I will return to normal words and not just the use of certain letters in the alphabet that just happen to represent sounds that are also words.

Part 2
Last ngiht I went out to Nashville again with 2 of my friends. It was great. I stayed in my pjs as long as I possibly could. And then... We went. We danced. We had a few drinks (mostly just to get the little boot shot glass that you get when you buy a shot from the shot girl). We came home. We ate pepper jack chips, ben and jerries Half Baked ice cream (we were not half baked, that is the type of ice cream). We watched One Tree Hill at 2am. We took silly pictures. We slept, and then had amazing French Toast for breakfast. It could not have been a better (or needed) weekend.
Why then does this make me feel sad? I know every weekend can't be like this. I don't expect every weekend to be like this one. I just want to be able to be simple, to like simple things, to simply be myself. I guess really I want not to feel compelled to complain. I have become a complainer. This is not an attractive quality.. To my credit, I have a bunch of "me" events planned in the near future. I am going to the Jay's opener on April 4th and will be fully decked out in Jays attire (and tattoos if I can find them) . I also have tickets for the Yankee;s game.. They never dissapoint. I am also going to the Oasis concert, and I have tickets to another concert (which Im going to with the brother yay!). I went to the Auto Show with the brother last week, which was tons of fun. We saw a lot of cars and had some really good food. I also rediscovered my love for milkshakes from mcDonnalds.. If you have not had one in a while, HAVE ONE! they will not dissapoint! On the topic of food, I am back up to 4 packs of mini eggs a day. My addiction (that I tried so hard to kill) has returned. Its a love I cannot deny! Thank goodness though that they take them away from circulation after Easter or I would be in big trouble!! I say that like I watch what I eat (or care). I am the most unhealthy eater possible. People laugh at this statement and discount it as a self concious confession. If they only knew. People who have been around me for a full day (or my family) will definilty confirm this claim though. Truthfully, its not something to be proud of. For me though, it's not something that is going to change (temp maybe, but not permanently). THere will be weeks where I will pull up my socks and eat some veggies here and drink some milk there. But in the end its coke and smartie pancakes for breakfast, dessert for dinner and bacon sandwiches for good measure! thsi week will be interesting, as I begin my 7 nights of nights. I will attempt to write a blog near the end of it (actually I will force myself) to document just how loopey I become. For the record I will be fully awake and alert while at work, but at home (when off duty)) that will be another story completely. Hopefully it will make for some itneresting typing at least. Till then....


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