Friday, March 31, 2006

The extinction of tough bananas....

I have a lot in my head right now. Big surprise I know. The content of my thoughts is slightly different from my earlier posts. You can let out the sigh of relief right now. I'm cyclical apparently, so if for whatever reason you loved my constant posts of uncertainty, and desire for things that I cannot have, expect new posts this fall. Until then it's random and out of no where comments (which hopefully will be a little shorter winded). Today I would like to talk about the phrases that are lost with age. These words (though sometimes on my endangerd phrase list) always bring a smile to my face and a warm memory of simple things. I am sure I am not alone on this. Why then do people disgard these words without the slightest of thought? Maybe it is because they arnt gramatically correct, or are labled as inapropriate for adult use. I always thought that as you grew up, things that were deamed as "inappropriate" or "off limits" would become fewer and fewer... Bring on the fun!! Unfortunatly this was one of the many misguided illusions that youth pounds in to our brains. Maybe it's so that the transition from words such as "that's sick-a-tating" to "That is unappealing" will be an easier one. In other words if you don't notice what you're losing, you won't miss. Sure tossing out certain things as you grow up are necessary, like wearing diapers and (I don't know) sucking your thumb, but other things (especially words) should be kept if they're keepers. So what then are some of the "good" words and prases that we toss out without even noticing, but bring back more hapiness than a bacon and cheese sandwich in the morning? *I can't remember* most of them, proving my point. Here are some words that I use when speaking that I would deem as not typical of being a 24 year old.... "You're toast" "sick-a-tating" "bestest" "hello jello" " "tough bananas" "smart cookie". I wish I could remember more. Please please plese remind me of other phrases...


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