Friday, March 31, 2006

The Spring Summer edition of Megan's To Do List

I snuck on to my sister's laptop. I am dead if she finds out. For whatever reason, I like the "sneakiness" of this so-not-allowed special operation. My computer is right upstairs, and is free for the using, but nope, I'm going to use the computer that is off limits. It's more fun that way. I've been enjoying myself profusely recently. Spring has come, and with the warmer weather and promises of thudner storms, I feel like everything is O.K.. I'm back to doing the things that I enjoy, and not questioning myself for doing them. If I want to bake cookies in my P.J.'s and go out for nachos with my siblings, then by gosh I'm gonna do it. I have also come up with some things to put on my "spring/summer of 06 To Do List" So here is the begninning of the list:

Spring/Summer To Do List '06
I want to play in the forrest and climb trees like I used to (not so long ago),
I want to go to the drive-in with my brother and sister like I do every year.
Become a constant attendee at the Jays games (so far I'm going to 3 games in April)
Go on a trail ride
Go to Wassaga
Take friends up to the cottage
Go to the Calgary Stampeed
Go to the Canada Day Country Jam (even if the only accompanyment that I can find is a dog)
Play golf, tennis and water ski as much as time will allow
Fly a kite
Draw on the sidewalk
Go for slushies with my brother
Go on a random road trip (without knowing where Im going till I get there
Go to the Tragically Hip concert
Run another marathon
Go to Canada's Wonderland
Have a dinner on the patio in Toronto (Summerlicious)
Go fishing near the lighthouse (fishing without the intent of catching any fish)

These things probably seem boaring and simple, but they're what I enjoy or used to enjoy. I would love to do something completley random and different, but nothing has really popped intomy head. If anyone has any suggestions I'd love to hear them. I actually came up with the idea of writing things down while dreaming of climbing trees while on a run.


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