Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Still cant seem to escape the letter "A"

As I've mentioned before, I've only really liked two boys in my entire life, both whom shared a number of eerie similarities, but were very much different people, with their own mannerisms and personalities. I am here to tell you, that while it may be early on, at least some portion of this tradition could be crumbling. Yes the letter "A" is still there but the name is different, and yes the nationality is still there, but the August birthday is also a thing of the past. I woke up Sunday with a smile from ear to ear, and the desire to pass on my extreme happiness to anyone and everyone that crossed my path. This is the third time I have felt this feeling (it only gets better with time). I count myslef lucky for having gotten the chance to feel this extreme happiness. I also remind myself that I must enjoy it while it lasts, as it will at some point in time go away. People after all can only experience loss if they have something that can be taken away. And this can most definitly be taken away. I also remind myself that if you tip-toe around something simply because it can be lost, it will in a sence become prematurley lost. You're either all in, or you're out. I am all in. And if, by chance, being all in means that I will only experience this feeling for a day, a week, maybe a month than I will take it and run like I have never run before. There will be time to look back later. Sat night for me was great, it exceeded expectaions. It exceeded these expecations, because (not only of course) thre were no expectations. It's funny that I have been so conditioned to expect people to be demanding, and persumptuious, when in fact there are still some good people out there who truly do just want the same thing as me. I will remember the old music at dinner, and the fact that I felt the need to wear board shorts on an inappropriatly cold night (its April for goodness sake!) and the fact that BUrlington can generate quite a nice veiw filled with bright lights and briges, water and of course Smog!! It was a great night, and worth the early morning that I had to have (for work).


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