Tuesday, December 27, 2005

I have seen a couple of people do the whole 110 things about me. To be honnest I like the format, and I like how the sentences are brief and to the point and jump all over the map. It's like people give out radom facts with hidden confessions... It seems tough though to generate 110 random comments about one's self. I think I say too much about myself as it is. So here it goes:

100) I like doing silly little taks such as this one, but
99) It worries me that I focus too much on myself and that my thoughts have become "all about me"
98) I have more male friends than female friends and yet..
97) I've only had 2 boyfriends, and only one of them was a fully functional relatinship
96) That relationship officially lasted 3 months but we both liked eachother for 6 years prior to that and knew eachother for 9 years.. If Im telling the 100% truth we liked eachother for the whole 9 years...
95) I would not recomend dating someone with that much history
94) I still talk to him, I question this decision all the time.
93) He thinks he knows me as well as my best friend, but from a different perspective
92) He is right, but I will never tell him that I agree.
91) I have no pictures of him and I together post highschool. And only 2 from highschool.
90) I will never take a picture with him in the future as a result of this.
89) If my house was burning down, my pictures are the only thing I would try to save.
88) I have known my best friend for over 20 years. We met in kindergarden.
87) My best friend and I still do the same things we did in kindergarden together.
86) My best friend lives down the street from me,
85) I am now too lazy to walk to her house and often drive.
84) I drive a Dodge Dakota Truck
83) I got it because I like country music and wanted something that could pull a horse trailer..
82) I have no horse or tailer to pull.
81) I had a pony when I was 12 her name was Short Stuff
80) Before she was mine she threw me and fractured my arm. They made me finnish my lesson before I went to the hospital.
79) Essentially I am working to get back what I had when I was 12.
78) I quit everything that had to do with horses when I graduated highschool. It is the one thing I love.
77) I hate hearing about horses because I am jelous of everyone who has anything to do with them.. It makes me sad.
76) Driving though corn fields makes me happy no matter what mood I am in.
75) I want to get married in a corn field.
74) Even mentioning the word marriage makes me cringe as I associate it with being the "type" of girl I dont want to be...
73) I may act like a boy, but on the inside I am still a girl.
72) I hate it when girls go crazy and obsess over guys.
71) I recently went crazy and obsessed over a guy.
70) This guy now runs when he sees me. I will never do this again.
69) I make big mistakes, but I learn from them and never make them again. I learn through experience.
68) My biggest mistake was choosing to live in a house of 6 girls at University.
67) I never finnished university as a result.
66) I had the most friends and was the most social Ive ever been in university..
65) I was the most unhappiest I have ever been when I was in university.
64) I got both my naval pierced and my lower back tattooed while in univesity.
63) My tattoo is a reminder of the mistakes Ive made.
62) The tattoo was a mistake in itself, its of a butterfly which means absolutly nothing to me.
61) I often forget I have a tattoo bescause I cant see my lower back
60) I like my naval piercing
59) I am terrible at spelling, but great at grammar.
58) I got the best mark in my college grammar class.
57) I actually graduated form college (Police Foundations)
56) I was excited to finally finnish school after college, and would now do anything to go back.
54) While in school I played hockey, field hockey and softball.
53) I now play no sports.
52) I go to a gym where university athletes train.
51) I am the most out of shape person at this gym.
50) The fact that I am out of shape embarasses me.
48) I care about what I look like and yet,
47) I prefer Pj's and usually look like I've just rolled out of bed.
46) I usually have just rolled out of bed.
45) I have gained 10 pounds in the past 2 months..
44) I try to watch what I eat..
43) Try means I never do. I can never say no to coke, chocolate or bacon
42) I made a sandwich out of fries, honey, jalopeno peppers, bre and chicken.
41) This is now my favourite type of sandwich.
40) I have a t-shirt that professes my love for bacon.
39) My fav kind of music is country music.
38) I like to line dance.
37) I am terrible at line daning.
36)I want to be a police officer.
35) I am absolutly terrified to sleep while I am home alone, except for in a space I determine to be "safe". These safe places have included: my parent's bathroom, my dad's office, my brother's room and my closet.
34) I have had 2 re-occurring dreams. When I was younger the dream involved faceless men in black cloaks chanting in my basement. My re-occuring dream now is of a tooth that is falling out but not quite out, and very bloody. Throughout the dream I try to keep the tooth in my mouth. The tooth neither falls out or heals.
33) As a result of this dream I am terrified to be in my basement.
32) If I am the last person to go upstairs at night I turn off the lights in sequence so I am never in the dark, as it scares me, I feel as if someone is going to come and get me.
31)I used to watch movies when I went to bed, until I hit the point where watching the movies became like a dream.
32) I find the "snow" sound that occurs after a movie has finnished to be comforting, I get mad at my mom if she turns it off while I am sleeping.
31) I am addicted to movies.
30) My addiction to movies has given me an unrealistic perspective in regards to how events in life will unfold, I always expect a happy ending and for things to turn out.
29) Recently I have turned my focus in regards to movies to more realistic movies. I find I can identify more with these movies.
28) The movie I identifiy most with last year was Lost in Translation and Garden State. This year I identified more with the book "Shopgirl"
27) I recently started reading again, and discovered that I actually missed reading.
26) When school finnished I felt like I had lost an intellectual part of myself and thought that I was becomming increasingly more unintelligent as time went on.
25) Reading has been my solution to this feeling in regards to loss of intelligence. Im not sure if it's working.
24) I believe that soundtracks are key elements of movies and dramatic tv shows. Songs complete the feeling in important scenes. Just try watching a tv show without the music. You will see.
23) I became obsessed with Jimmy Eat World after watching the Season 2 finale of One Tree Hill.
22) I have 4 copies of a drawing the character "Peyton" drew posted on my door that say "People always leave"
21) Posting these posters was a self preservation method after I got hurt by a boy this sumer (the one that runs from me).
20) I can still count on my fingers the number of boys I have kissed.
19) The first boy I kissed was not a kisss I wanted to happen.. He kissed me. I was 19. The first boy I actually kissed was my first boyfriend.
18) I didnt like my first boyfriend and I dont think he really liked me. We were lost.
17)The only 2 boys I have really authentically liked both had the same name, were born in the same month, were both irish and both wanted to be teachers. Other than these details they were completely different.
16) I am a very independant person, I like to have my own space, and do things on my own with the exception of a few people.
15) I am very good friends with my brother.
14) I often get mistaken as my brother's younger girlfriend. He is 19 I am 24.
13) My sister and I did not get along until I left for university. We get along fine now.
12) My brother is leaving for school next year, this worries me and makes me sad.
11) I adapt to situations very well and can get along with just about any type of people, Im like a camelion, but I dont deal with major changes related directly to myself well.
10) people tell me I worry too much
09) I often think I a have a disssease of some form. I told my doctor that i think I go a little nutty when it comes to this. She did not contest the statement.
08) this fear of disseases originated from a lecture my best friend gave me as a joke in first year university.
07) I am also scared of styraphome. The sound and feel of it creeps me out.
06) I am also scared that I am going to be alone for the rest of my life.
05) I am more scared to trust someone enough to believe that I may not be alone.
04) I run so I can clear my mind of these thoughts.
03) I have deeper conversations with animals than I do with most people. And I prefer animals company to most people's.
02) the best gift I ever got was given to me by the only person on the planet I hate. the tangiable parts of this gift now sit in the back of my closet.
01) The best gift (I think) I have ever given does not exist anymore. The gift was 10 cookies that were frosted with pictures iced onto them of events and inside jokes I shared with that person.
-01) I wish I could remember all of the events and jokes that I put on those cookies.


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