Thursday, March 16, 2006

Please no telephones and bumblebees!!

Running used to be my escape. Lately I have wandered from running for a number of reasons including the weather. Another reason I haven't run recently is because my gym says that cardio will work against the strength training I am doing. They HATE cardio, so much so that they spell it wiht a "K" and claim that they don't even know how to spell it. This is bad for two reasons:

1) Is the ever so obvious use of the words "my gym says". It sounds like some crazy religion or cult has taken over my method of thinking.. Something that I hope never ever happens to me. If it does, I would hope people would drag me out of my bed while Im sleeping and throw me into a lake of freezing cold water while dangeling scarry things (like telephones, and bubmlebees) above my head until i snapped out of it. My gym has influenced me a bit, in the sence that I do TRY to eat a bit healthier (ie, no coke, ice cream and bacon sandwiches every day for breakfast). I occationally eat dare I say, salade and brocolie and tuna... But dont worry I still maintain my 4 pack of minieggs a day habit.. So all unhealthy parts of me are not lost.. I dont think I would be happy without some unhealthy habits. .. But I think its unhealhy too to start all sentences with "my gym" and to become so health concious that you will not endulge on occation.. I will never be this way... Well getting in shape is a priority for me right now, it doesnt ahve to be a new mind movement. I respect the gym, and I know that those guys know what they are doing. Essentailly they are right. Running does work against strength training, and it is not the best way to lose weight. This brings me to point 2...

2) Running for me keeps me in shape. I get out of shape and also *sometimes* ( as in this winter) gain weight. This happens to me because I have soo many thoughts in my head that I tend to sit around and think about them, and drain them out with an abundance of food. I ate a whole box of special "K" cerial in one day (and that was me trying to be healthy) I dgo through countless boxes of chocolates, cookies (especially those yummy girl guids cookies... which by the way taste great if put in the freezer!) Simply put, running gives me a chance to rid my mind of these thoughts and stress, and takes up the time that would otherwise be spent sitting in my room eating and listening to music. I don't care so much about the weight thing, if Im happy and fat, then so be it.. But no bag of cookies can ever solve stress problems... Running can. At least for me, running can. And so, while running may not solve the conventional weight problem and may be anti-strength traning for most people, it does teh opposite for me. I am not most people. It gets me off my ass, stops me from binging on oh so great foods, and frees me of stress. I think most logically when I run, and a great deal of my problems have been solved, or discarded by simply running around in circles. It may sound crazy, but it works. Plus it is productive, and can be turned into accomplishments ( like the marathon I ran). I wil run another marathon, hopefully in May. It isnt as soon as I would like, but it gives me time (in nicer weather) to get ready and train.. Which I need to do, as I have not been running recently.

On a side note, I just got invited to the Ben Lee concert on Sat. Soooo lucky am I. I cannot wait to go to this concert. I was quite happy (and set) to have a Sat of sitting around with the fam watching tv and doin not much at all.. Just about the only thing that could have broken those oh so exciting plans, was the proposition of an event of this kind. So I guess my next week is a musical adventure, as I am also going to see Oasis. I am happy to see Oasis, and I am sure they will be great. But Im not excited. I like them, I dont love them, and $80 for any band (with the exception of a small few) seems a little extreme to me. Mind you I would spend it on a country concert within 2 seconds .. So figgure that one out. My friend L is super excited though to see them, and so I am excited for her. i havent seen her very much recently, and I feel badly, because I havent been the greatest friend. I didnt do anything wrong, just havent been around to get into touch with. I find Im finally falling into place, and rediscovering what I like... And it's the simple stuff.. Hanging out at home, baking, watching movies, mini putting, going to the drive in with my family. I LIKE being a nerd. Its who I am. I just can't live the crazy bar every night life, without questioning myself. Without feelign like I have to re-think who I am.. When Im home and going to bon fires, and Ben Lee concerts and Car shows and baseball games, I never question myself, and always have a good time. L and I are sooo diferent. I like her and I want to be the greatest friend to her that she desserves. I have to kinda figgure out how to have her in my life without changing my stuff.. She does like to hang out and do some of the stuff I do, andmaybe its time I try to do more of that stuff when we hang out. Oasis is a good start. So for that I am excited for oasis.


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