So it's been a little while since I last posted (the exageration of the century). Here's the coles notes on whats gone on:
1) I have forgotten how to blog. As embarassing as it is to admit, it took me a good 5 minutes to learn how to post on my own site. 5 minutes is a long time, when the same action previously took under 5 seconds. Regression in the blogging world.
2) I have made a geograhpic change. I now reside in Alberta, as opposed to Ontario. I came significantly close to returning to Ontario. It's funny how the same thing that made me want to return, also played a hand in my decision to stay. *That is a post all in it's own tho*
3) My future (and also much more permanent) career choice has remained the same.
4) I have become a snowboarding bum, and frequent the hills at a minimum of 3 times a week. It took a trip home to Ontario to help me reach this state of appriciation for the athletic endevors that surround me.
5) In the short time that I've been here, I've made closer, and much more selfless friends then I've made in Ontario for the past 25 years. There are exceptions to this of course, as no one will come close to my best friends who can and hopefully will never be replaced. This is also anothe rpost worthy topic.
6) I have recently learnt that Kelly is always right. Especially, but not limited to a certain person/situation.. Took me 25 years and a few mistakes to learn it.. BUT I finally did. No one deserves to be treated and accomidated as a best friend, when you are not held in the same regard. In the same sence, it's not what you get out of a friendship, it's what you give. Figgure that one out.